She is Sarafina Muhawenimana (Ms), a Mwungura by clan and born of Muramba in Bufumbira south. Sarafina is part of the initial team that supported efforts to start Bafumbira world and is Registered as Member 1.

Sarafina holds a bachelor’s degree in Drama and filming from Makerere University and is currently working as a sales Executive at NTV/Spark TV.

She is also an established actress with a number of  projects to her name thus far.

Her motivation is to see peaceful families and a demonstration of equity for both Male and female gender. Her favourite quote; “If the ladder is leaning against a wrong wall, then you will reach a wrong destination faster”.

Am a proud Mufumbira Woman who aches to shine light on to the next girl child from my Village; Sarafina boldly exclaimed!