She is Racheal Kampiire (Ms). Racheal is a Mugesera by clan hailing from Matinza in the Eastern Constituency of Bufumbira. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from Kyambogo University. She also holds a post graduate diploma in Monitoring and Evaluation from Uganda Management Institute.

Racheal is currently working with PGC as a Finance Officer. Her daily motivation is to achieve her set goals so she can be able to create herself a better future, for her family and the society around her.

Racheal wonders if there is any tribe in the world that has a sense of togetherness as “Bafumbira”!

“I must admit that am proudly associated with Bafumbira world. The way people look out for each other and also ensuring they support each other’s businesses lights up my soul”. In her words, Rachel remarked.

Her favorite Quote; “Success is a game and the more times you play the more times you win, and the more times you win the more successfully you will play” (Anonymous)